By: Zaghra Savahl Salah is one of the five pillars of Islam and its importance cannot be emphasized enough. In a Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Salah is the key to Jannah.” This is the magnitude of the reward one achieves when fulfilling each Salah with correct focus. However, we are human and one of the challenges many Muslims face is to be consistent in your daily prayers. Here are some tips to help you be consistent with your Salah and in doing so, help you strive to achieving Jannah. 1. Learn about the importance of Salah Salah is much more than a daily ritual.It is the favorite form of Ibadah by Allah (SWT). It is mentioned in a Hadith where Allah (SWT) says: Out of all the ways through which my servant gets closer to Me, Salah is the dearest to Me (Bukhari). Once we understand how important Salah is, it will lead us to become more consistent. The more we understand its importance, the more we understand our purpose in life and would come to realise that we cannot afford to miss any of our prayers.
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April 2023