By: Zaghra Savahl Do you ever feel that there’s so much you need to make Dua for that you don’t know where to start? Allah (SWT) promises us that when we turn to HIM in supplication, He will listen. That’s reason enough to always make Dua for anything your heart desires, as there is nothing that is impossible for Allah (SWT) to grant you if He so wishes. Whatever you need or want, ask Allah (SWT) at anytime, anywhere and in any language that is easiest for you. While sincerity is the most important aspect of making Dua, the most common etiquette to apply while in sincerity is to start by praising Allah (SWT), ask for blessings to be granted upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), invoking Allah (SWT) by His Names, making Dua for others, asking for anything your heart desires, and concluding with Ameen. As humans, what our heart desires can be overwhelming, and it helps to write down exactly what you would like to make Dua for on your Dua List. If you don’t have a Dua List yet, consider buying one from Striving Flawlessly as it was included in our list of essential stationery items you need for the year. While each person has their own Duas they make in their own way, there are Dua supplications that was made by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that helps you for when you don’t find the right words that expresses exactly what you need. Now that we are getting ready to prepare for Ramadan, it is a time where we are reminded to start increasing our Acts of Worship, including our Dua supplications. Here are a Five Dua supplications that you can include when offering your daily Duas. 1. Seeking good in this life and in the Hereafter Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the supplication most often recited by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was this: “O our Rabb! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good and save us from the punishment of the Fire.” This Dua reminds us that this world is temporary and to make Dua for what is to come in the Hereafter. 2. For protection from unexpected troubles “I begin my morning with the name of Allah (SWT). Due to his blessed name, nothing can cause any harm, neither on this earth nor in the heaven. He is All-Hearing and All-Knowing.” We never know what life will bring us on any day. However, Allah (SWT) knows. Place your trust in Him for protection of whatever comes your way. 3. Relief from any ailments “Oh Allah (SWT)! Keep my body in good health, keep my ears in your protection, keep my eyes in your protection, there is none to be worshipped but YOU. I seek refuge in you from Kufr (disbelief) and dependency. I seek refuge in you from the ordeal of the grave. There is none to be worshipped but you.” We are reminded that good health is something to be cherished as not all of us have been granted this. We never know when things might take a turn, but when they do, know that Allah (SWT) is always there and He has the power to heal. He alone has the power to grant you protection and refuge in any circumstance. 4. Relief of distress “Allah (SWT) is sufficient for us and He is an excellent Guardian and we repose our trust in Allah (SWT).” Whenever you are in distress, make Dua and hand over all your fears, worries and distress to the Almighty (SWT). Remember that Allah (SWT) is sufficient for us. 5. Forgiveness “Oh Allah (SWT)! The extent of Thy forgiveness is far wider as compared to my sins and the extent of Thy mercy is a matter of greater hope for me than my deed.” No one knows when their time on this earth is due. That is knowledge only Allah (SWT) has. Therefore, it is important for us to seek forgiveness and repent so that we will be of the successful ones on Judgement Day. What is something you would like people to make Dua for you for? Let us know in the comments below.
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April 2023